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Samplers Country Collectibles
> Beeswax
#16-9 St. Nick With Greenery Ornament
#10-32 Large Springerle Santa
#10-84 Snowman and Boy Springerle Ornament
Springerle Beehive and Bird Ornaments
Pomegranate Candle & Olde World St. Nick Ornament
Olde World Santa Ornaments
Springerle Hornbook Ornaments
Santa With Star & Long Face Santa Ornaments
Springerle Mold Santas
Snowman & Santa Ornaments
Long Lantern Santa and Fat Head Santa Ornament
Springerle Ornaments
#8-209 Wired Nubby Ornaments
Retro Style Gingerbread Boy & Santa Ornaments
#8-144 Springerle Heart Ornaments - Set/3
Flicker Taper Ornaments
#8-123 Long Stocking Counter Balance Ornament
Long Candy Cane & Large Santa Boot Ornament
#16-19 Hanging Heart Ornament
#10-79 Set of Three Beeswax Tree Ornaments
Santa Boots
Gingerbread and Snowman Ornaments
Walnut Candle Counter Balance and Mini Snowman Ornament
#8-117 Beeswax Star Ornaments
Mini Santa Ornaments
Square Springerle Santa and German Santa
#8-131A Retro Santa
#15-1 Stocking Ornament
#16-27 Winter Cap Ornament
#15-5 Christmas tree Ornament
#16-25 Double Mitten Ornament
#15-2 Snow Mitten ornament
#16-26 Snowflake Pair Ornament
#15-4 Icicle Santa
#16-17 Springerle Christmas Tree Ornament
#10-16 Mouse Ornament
#15-62 Mini Santa With Bag Ornament
#16-14 Sringerle Cow Ornament
#16-24 Peace Ornament
#16-7 Believe Ornament
#8-132 Old World Santa Ornament
#15-8 Noel Ornament
#11-17 Mini Snowman Ornament
#8-127CR Candy Cane - Burgundy
George Washington Ornaments
Liberty Eagle & George Washington Ornies
Bald Eagle Ornament
George Washington Bust and Uncle Sam
#6-54 Mini Lincoln Ornies - Set/3
Abraham Lincoln Ornament
Large Stick Stem Beeswax Pumpkin
#4-98PB Pink Buttercreme Heart Melts
#4-98M Vermont Maple Heart Melts
#4-98P Pitch Black Colonial Kitchen Spice Heart Melts
#4-98B Blue Willow Heart Melts Set/12
#8-102 Log Cabin
#8-128 Gingerbread Dad Ornament
Beehive - Beeswax
#10-49 Mouse - Pitch Beeswax
#4-16 Small Bundt
Springerle Angel and Rooster Ornament
Beeswax Pineapple and Pears
Log Cabin and Flicker Light Ornaments
#11-34 Beeswax Pineapples
Out of Stock
#6-45 Apples - Small Beeswax
#6-98 Artichoke - Beeswax
#9-95 Beeswax Heart - Small
Beeswaxed Pears
Out of Stock
#8-182 Acorn Ornies - Set/3 Beeswax
#8-39 Abraham Lincoln Beeswax Wall Hanger
George Washington Beeswax Wall Hanger
Beeswax Shoe Pin Keep
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